
20 Bizarre American Customs That Leave the Rest of the World Perplexed

Brandon Walker 10 months ago 0 102

      ‍When it comes to cultural norms, every country has its own unique customs and traditions. What may seem perfectly normal to one group of people can be completely baffling to others. In the case of the United States, there are some behaviors and practices that Americans consider to be completely ordinary, but leave the rest of the world scratching their heads in confusion. From peculiar dining habits to unusual laws, let’s explore 40 bizarre American customs that leave the rest of the world perplexed.

      1. Massive Portion Sizes

      When it comes to food, Americans are known for their love of supersized portions. While larger portions may be seen as a sign of abundance and value in the US, the rest of the world often finds it excessive. Plates overflowing with food can be overwhelming for those accustomed to more modest serving sizes.

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