
Be Alert: The ‘Pump Switching’ Scam You Need to Know About

Brandon Walker 9 months ago 0 983
      Masked man using gas pump: Photo

      ‍The world we live in today is brimming with technological marvels and advancements. However, with the rise in technology, there’s also an unfortunate rise in fraudulent activities. One such scam that has been making headlines recently is the ‘Pump Switching’ scam. As responsible citizens, it’s our duty to be informed about the potential dangers that lurk around us, and take necessary precautions to safeguard ourselves.

      What is the ‘Pump Switching’ Scam?

      The ‘Pump Switching’ scam is a fraudulent activity targeting unsuspecting patrons at gas stations. The scam involves an individual offering to assist you in pumping gas, only to secretly keep the transaction open after you leave, and subsequently utilize your credit card information to refuel other vehicles in exchange for cash. This illicit act is carried out with such finesse that most victims don’t realize they’ve been scammed until they review their credit card statements days or even weeks later.

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